Unrepentant is a socially-driven casual guild with a focus on freedom. Freedom to play games the way you want to play, when you want to play them. You won’t find any play time quotas, extensive guild taxes, mandatory events, or drama-laden infighting here. However, we recognize this freedom comes with a responsibility: We are free so long as that freedom does not deny our fellow members the right to enjoy the game.
Central to Unrepentant is our sense of community. We believe the games you play aren’t as important as the people you play them with, and to that end we strive only to admit the kind of members you’d want to hang out and have a drink with. Our slogan is "once a member - always a member", and all Unrepentant are welcome in any game we play regardless of what branch you started in.
Freedom, friendship and fun times - this is what matters to The U. You don’t have to be a good player to be Unrepentant; but you do have to be a good person to join our ranks.
Guild Interviews:
Champions: http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/75070
Neverwinter: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/nev...3A-unrepentant
Social Networking:
- Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/unrepentant
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=1 ... 453&ref=ts
Birth of Uey: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=521&p=5353