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  • you are more awesome than the relief from having the knowledge that SPS does not live in my home town and my family is safe from white non-windowed are now in the *more awesome than* the rule is...its like tag must post on someone elses wall...because it is more awesome when more people are involved
    you can alter the text. i promise i am not running around controlling the game. i just simply am hoping to start a really fun way for us all to spread positivity around the U. my hope is that people will basically tailor their more awesome than to the person the are posting to
    both...let it be both if you are here for the you are more awesome the rule is...its like tag must post on someone elses wall...because it is more awesome when more people are involved
    you are more awesome than when you walk in to a music supply store and bells and whistles go off because you are the millionth customer and you win any 1 item of your choice
    **Tap tap** good! I will start the poison brewing, gather the lust toys and cover myself in hot lusting oil!
    **tap tap** its settlet then! you and I will die together in a swarm of lust and poison!
    **Tap Tap** I have outsmarted you!
    We might have lacked in the romance, but we have made up for it with the warm and tinkering sensation of poison and... lust?
    **Tap tap** it might just be the poison talking, but did you just drug me with the same I drugged you with?
    At some point! I'd really like to play again. You get on the Mumbles? I thought you had fleas ;)
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